ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

People with ADHD may have trouble paying attention, have difficulty controlling their behaviors (they may act without thinking about the outcome of their actions), or may be very active and cannot sit still.

If you are concerned that a child may have ADHD, the first step is to talk with a health care professional to find out if the symptoms match the diagnosis. The diagnosis can be made by a mental health professional, such as a psychologist or psychiatrist, or a primary care provider, such as a pediatrician.

Tips for parents
Here are examples that can help with your child's behavior:

  • Create a routine. Try to stick to the same activity schedule every day.
  • get organized. Encourage your child to put their school bag, clothes, and toys in the same place every day
  • Control distractions. Turn off the television, limit noise, and provide a clean work space when your child is doing homework.
  • Be clear and specific when you talk to your child. Let him know you are listening by describing what your child said.
  • Help your child plan. Break complicated tasks into smaller, simpler steps.
  • Use goals and recognition or other reward. Use a chart to list goals and record positive behaviors, then let your child know he did well by telling him or rewarding him.
  • Create positive opportunities. There are certain situations that children with ADHD can find stressful. Finding out what your child is good at and
  • encouraging them to do it—whether it's in school, sports, art, music, or games—can help create positive experiences.
  • Provide a healthy lifestyle. It is important to offer nutritious food, make sure the child gets plenty of physical activity, and gets enough sleep.
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